Unbox Me
In the lead-up to the International Transgender Day of Visibility on March 31, UNAIDS and FCB India & FCB Chicago, partnered to launch this “Unbox Me” campaign. The initiative aims to raise awareness for the rights of transgender children by empowering them to stop hiding their identities and embrace their true selves. “Unbox Me” is a creative exploration of the theme of secrecy and hiding, and the campaign aims to spotlight the struggles of transgender children, like their being closeted and their discomfort with their assigned gender, many as early as the age of two. “Unbox Me” builds on similar messages seen in UNAIDS and FCB’s work from their yearlong partnership. For International Transgender Day of Visibility in 2021, they released “The Mirror,” an award-winning film written by Bhattacharya that features a young boy looking in the mirror and dressing up as a woman to raise awareness about gender identity during childhood.