Fcb India’s Swati Bhattacharya And Rohit Chawla Come Together To Create A Moving Exhibit
FCB India and Rohit Chawla launched a campaign, ‘The Politics of Hair,’ to highlight the age-old patriarchy observed in various cultures across the globe. The Politics of Hair is the History of Hair and Her – given the news space and the headlines that history has denied it – a newspaper that will connect the dots and make you see for yourself that a woman’s hair is never about the woman’s hair. The film and installations displayed at India Art Fair, Delhi, show the cutting of hair as an act of rebellion against those who seek to control a woman’s agency by controlling her hair.
The campaign is the brainchild of Rohit Chawla, a leading contemporary photographer, who spent nearly two decades in advertising at JWT before moving out to start his own design and film production company along with Swati Bhattacharya, Creative Chairperson, FCB India. The song has been composed by Aanon H Siddiqua, a London-based Bangladeshi musician and performing artist.
Link: https://campaignbriefasia.com/2023/02/13/fcb-indias-swati-bhattacharya-and-rohit-chawla-come-together-to-create-a-moving-exhibit/